BkNickMay Promo Video

Song : Sugalumps By Flight of the Conchords

Street Dreams

Derrick Cabrera, like all skateboarders, dreams of being sponsored one day. He has all the talent in the world to make it happen but some major roadblocks to overcome before he can make the dream a reality. He is receiving pressure from all sides, his parents are stressing him because he is failing in school, his girlfriend thinks he is a loser, his best friend has become his rival because he is better than him. Things come to a head after Derrick gets arrested and a fight ensues with his father resulting in him running away from home. He does the only thing he knows how to do and opts to follow his dream to the Tampa Am contest, one of the only ways an unknown skater can get noticed.


Play Poi When Circles Dream

Tees For Sale

These are BkNickMay Signature Tees. Comes in Different Sizes and colors. Store will be set up soon but until then Email: BkNickMay@Gmail.com to order.

Last Day of High School

Yes, That would be Me in the Panda Costume lol^^^^^^^^^

A Techno Movie

I'm performing for Parties!!!!

I'm currently offering my poi talents to entertain parties...for a fee of course=9.

For more information or to schedule a show, call 269-978-8600 and ask for nick OR e-mail me at Bknickmay@gmail.com with the subject "Poi show". specify weather lights of fire is desired.

Thank you.